C.S. Boswell
Independent Family Funeral Services
Kidlington: 01865-373712 Summertown: 01865-553737 Bicester: 01869-221937
Simple Funeral
Our Simple Funeral Service Includes:
We offer a Simple Funeral Service which provides a dignified, limited and economic service but does not give our clients the full use of our range of services.
Our professional services and use of our facilities.
The transfer of your loved one into the care of our funeral home (within office hours) out of hours is an additional £225.00.
Duty of care to your loved one at all times.
Preparation, washing and dressing your loved one in their own clothes or in a suitable funeral shroud.
Provision of chapel visitations to your loved one (in office hours, by appointment).
Arranging all aspects of a simple funeral, completing all administration and liaising with all third parties on your behalf; (clergy, celebrants, cemetery, crematoria etc)
The provision of a simple coffin, of our choice.
Our Jaguar hearse and four uniformed bearers to convey your loved one directly to the crematorium or cemetery (within 25 miles).
Donation and online tribute page – all donations will be sent to the chosen charity within six weeks from the date of the funeral.
This service is available Monday to Friday only, excluding bank holidays.
If a burial is chosen, the service must take place at the graveside.
If a cremation service is chosen; should you wish for us to collect your loved one’s remains, we will look after them for an indefinite period at no cost.
£2599.00 plus Disbursement fees*
*** Flowers and Orders of Service may be added to this service
Our extended services; vehicles options, limousines, coffins & catering are not available with this option. We will be able to guide and advise you of these procedures.
The total cost of our simple funeral must be paid fully in advance, prior to the funeral taking place.
Our fees are competitively prices and we always endeavour to meet your requirements and budget at all times.
* Disbursement fees are for third party services involved in the process of the funeral. We will make all payments on your behalf.