C.S. Boswell
Independent Family Funeral Services
Kidlington: 01865-373712 Summertown: 01865-553737 Bicester: 01869-221937
Cremated Remains Services
Our Cremated Remains Service Includes:
Our professional services, liaising with all third parties; clergy, celebrants, cemeteries or burial grounds, florists etc in order to lay your loved ones remains to rest.
£150.00 plus disbursements*
¨ Collection of the cremated remains from a crematorium within 25 miles of our funeral homes and arranging the interment or scattering of the cremated remains at an agreed time and date of your choosing.
Additional Fees:
Provision of an oak or mahogany veneered cremated remains casket £135.00
(metal, ceramic, wicker or bamboo urns available)
Provision of a scatter tube, various designs available from £40.00
Preparation of the cremated remains grave £110.00
Provision of a temporary oak wooden grave marker and flower vase £50.00
Attendance of our funeral director: In office hours £125.00 or Out of office hours £165.00
We respectfully request that 50% of the interment estimate we will provide should be paid prior to the day. This covers external fees which are payable in advance, etc. Our invoice for the remaining balance will be issued a week after the interment has taken place. Should the balance of the account be outstanding after 14 days, interest of 4% per month will accrue.
We are also able to help and assist with sending cremated remains within the UK and to international destinations.
* Disbursement fees are for third party services involved in the provision of the funeral.
We will make all payments on your behalf.