C.S. Boswell
Independent Family Funeral Services
Kidlington: 01865-373712 Summertown: 01865-553737 Bicester: 01869-221937
Below are links to organisations you may find helpful.
Citizens Advice Bureau – For help on practical and legal matters and contacts for counselling, help and support: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Bereavement Benefits - You may be eligible for help towards to cost of your loved ones funeral www.gov.uk/browse/benefits/bereavement
Probate Registry – For application for powers to process the will in England and
Wales www.justice.gov.uk/courts/probate
Free Probate Advice and Fixed Price Administration from Valued Estates
Support for Coroner's Inquests – Offering legal aid and support for those involved in inquests www.inquest.org.uk
NAFD My Funeral Wishes Leaflet A downloadable leaflet where you can record your funeral wishes http://www.nafd.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/My-Funeral-Wishes-2017.pdf
Human Tissue Authority – The regulator for human tissue and organs www.hta.gov.uk/guidance-public
The NHS Organ Donor Register – www.organdonation.nhs.uk
Lesbian and Gay Bereavement Project – For support after the death of a partner. www.londonfriend.org.uk Tel: 020 7833 1674
Cruse Bereavement Care – For general information, counselling and support www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk
Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership - www.omhp.org.uk/how-to-access-services
SAMM - Support after Murder and Manslaughter - www.samm.org.uk
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide - Overcoming the isolation of people bereaved by suicide (uksobs.com)
Saif Care - Free bereavement support offered to our clients supported by C.S Boswell Funeral Services. www.saifcare.org.uk
Oxfordshire SANDS – Supporting anyone affected by the tragic death of a baby. http://www.oxfordshiresands.org.uk
SeeSaw – Grief Support for children and young people in Oxfordshire. www.seesaw.org.uk