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Help & Guidance

If you have recently suffered a bereavement, please accept our personal condolences.

If you require assistance, we are here to help; 24 Hours a day 365 Days a year.  

We will personally answer your call, please Telephone;

Kidlington: 01865-373712 

Summertown: 01865-553737 

Bicester: 01869-221937


What to do when a loved one passes away; At Home,

Nursing Home or in a Hospital or Hospice


In the first instance the General Practitioner, Hospital Doctor or Registered

Nurse should be contacted to visit and confirm that the patient has passed away.

If your loved one passed away at home you should then contact us

(we are available 24 hours) to make arrangements for bringing your loved one

into our care, to our Chapel of Rest.


When Someone Dies Unexpectedly


The Coroner's duty is to investigate all sudden and unexpected deaths. This may

include a post mortem examination to establish the cause of death and an

inquest; we will guide you along with the Coroner's officer at all times through

the process. In some cases the coroner will refer the death back the deceased's  

General Practitioner and no further investigations are required.


Registering A Death and the role of the Medical Examiner


All deaths are referred to the Coroner or Medical Examiner’s Office for review.

Medical examiners are required in law to review every death in England and

Wales that is not investigated by a coroner.


To confirm this review has been completed, the Medical Examiner must

countersign the new version of the Medical Certificate before it can go the



The goal is to create a seamless transition for families going through



Without the Medical Examiner's signature on the Medical Certificate the

registration appointment will not be able to take place.


It is a legal requirement to register a death within five calendar days of the   

Coroner or Medical Examiner sending the relevant paperwork to the Registration Office.

The Coroner or Medical Examiner will notify the family when this has been completed, so that an appointment to register the death can be booked.


You must attend a death registration appointment in person at the office you

select for the appointment.


To make an appointment to register a death once you have been contacted by the

Medical Examiner, please call the Oxford Registration Service

Tel: 0345 241 2489

Alternatively you can make an appointment online via the Oxfordshire County Council Website via the Oxfordshire County Council Logo Below. 


It can be helpful to bring the deceased's documents, such as their passport, birth or

marriage/civil partnership certificates, and name change deeds. These documents

can help verify details like place of birth and name spelling.

If you can't access these documents, the registration can still be completed without



You will need to provide the following information:

·  The date and place of death

·  Their full name and any other names they are known by or have been

            known by (including the maiden name of a woman if married)

·  Their sex at birth

·  Their date and place of birth

·  Their occupation, or most recent occupation if they were retired

·  If married, widowed, or a civil partner, the full name and occupation of their husband, wife or civil partner

·  Their usual address

·  Date of birth of surviving husband, wife or civil partner

·  Whether they were in receipt of any public sector pension, e.g. civil service, teacher, armed forces


Upon registration, the Registrar will issue the Registrars Certificate for  Burial or

Cremation (otherwise known as the Green Form 9) and they can be emailed

directly to us here at C.S. Boswell. We will require this for the Cemetery or Crematorium.

Once the Registrar has guided you through the registration process, The Certificate Copy of Death will then be issued. You may need this for official purposes such as closing bank accounts, wills, pension claims, insurance policies, etc. It is  advised that you obtain at least two copies of this certificate, which are £12.50  each.

The Registrar will also guide you through the process of “Tell us Once” which will cancel any government issued documents, ie; national insurance number, state pension, passport, driving license etc.


We Are Here For You



C.S. Boswell
Independent Funeral Services
Tel: 01865 373712 
Tel: 01865-553737
Tel: 01869-221937
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